Event 5
Transition towards nature city2018, October 22 – 26 | Barcelona

This event is the final event of the Progress Project. It is hold in Barcelona in 2018, October 22 to 26 and organized by Eco-Union and all partners.
Vertical issues:
- Urban biodiversity management
- Green space maintenance
- Planning for green spaces
Horizontal issues:
- Nature accessing
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Sustainaibility in an urban context
Whish to apply ? Please refer to your referal organisation
- France : Orchis Ingénierie
- Belgium : GoodPlanet
- Denmark : University of Copenhagen
Organizer: Eco-Union
Partners: University of Copenhagen, Orchis Ingénierie and Goodplanet Belgium
Schedule: 5 days. 22th of October – 26th of October 2018
Language: English
Number of participants: 20 people from Progress, 15 external from other organizations
Target audience: Any professional or student who:
- Can contribute to the development and maintenance of sustainable urban areas including both social, environmental and economical issues
- Can collaborate with other relevant actors in the development of sustainable management and sustainable green areas
- Can, in collaboration with others, devise solutions for sustainable management in urban areas
Day 1 | Welcome and Networking
10h00- 11h00 Introduction to the week and partners presentations + Event highlights and conference.
11h00-11h30 Coffee break
11h30 – 13h00 Networking activity
13h00 – 14h00 Lunch
Afternoon Activity: Behaves and education /or/ bike route through urban vegetables gardens.
Day 2 | Eco-Forum: Transitions Towards Nature Cities
This day is co-organized with the Global Eco Forum
10h00: Welcome: Frederic Ximeno, Director, Ecology, Barcelona Council.
10h30: Key Note: Isabelle Angelowski: Green Trajectories and social equity in Cities
11h00 – 11h30 | Coffee Break
11h30 – 13h00 Plenary Session: Public health and Nature in Cities
- Moderator: Carolyn Daher, ISGLOBAL
* Speakers tbc.
14h30 – 16h30 | Parallel Sessions
1 – The Scandinavian Experience on Urban Biodiversity and climate change
Moderated by University of Copenhagen.
14h30-14h45: The Scandinavian frame: climate and green urban spaces management.
14h45-16h15: Case Studies
- Alex Holst Hersfeldt (CPH-Uni): Working with canopy cover in Frederiksberg municipality supporting ecosystem services such as shadow, clean air, CO2, health.
- Anne Mette Dahl Jensen (CPH-Uni): Punctual climate adaptation solutions – an innovation project from Frederiksberg municipality supporting ecosystem services such as water recycling, recreation.
- Susanne Ogstrup (CPH – Uni): The use of green roofs in Malmø, Sweden supporting ecosystem services such as dampens noise, binds dust, cleans the air, saves energy and money.
- Carsten Luxhøj (CPH Uni): Østergro (Copenhagen) – Denmark´s first roof farm supporting ecosystem services such as food, biodiversity, recreation.
2 – Building Water Resilience systems for naturalization in Mediterranean cities
Moderated by Orchis Ingénierie
14h30 – 15h00: Introduction: Water management and territories
- The Global global frame of territorial water management: Blue and green corridors. (Simon Woodworth, Project Manager Biodiversity and Territories, Occitanie Region, France – Biodiversity Natural Areas Service, Direction of Ecological and Energetic Transition)
- Water management: a structuring element of the territory. ( Albert Cuchi Burgos, professor at the Universidad Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Barcelona and Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Vallés, at Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)
15h00 – 16h30: Case Studies
- William Fettig (Orchis Ingénierie): Local and integrated water management by plant engineering in urban planning. Example in Montpellier
- Thierry Maytraud (Hydrologist Urbanist, founder of ATM)
- François Hamon (GreenCityZen): Smart watering and reduction of heat islands in the city.
Day 3 | Workshop: Plannig for the trees management in cities.
9h30 – 13h30 Planning for trees (to increase and conserve) and the ecosystem services that they provide. Workshop delivered by Oliver Bühler, professor at the Forest and Landscape College, University of Copenhagen (Denmark).
- From grey to green – challenges for urban trees (growth conditions, maintenance, etc.)
- I-Tree – hard core quantification and valuation of tree ecosystem services
- Tree registration, purposes and use
- A million tree in New York
15h00 – 17h00: Technical Visit – Barcelona biodiversity plan with focus on trees.
* Technical tour with focus on trees will include small exercise’s and discussions (Tree app, tell the trees history etc.).
Day 4 | Workshop: Nature based solutions for playgrounds
Delivered by GoodPlanet Belgium
Building Criteria for biodiversity and nature experience in public playground. A practical workshop working on the “Barcelona City for Play Strategy”, where participants are challenged to introduce nature experience and sustainable nature maintenance criteria when planning for new or renovated playgrounds in public park and spaces.
09h30 – 10h00 Workshop Challenge
10h00 – 10h30 Presentation: Barcelona City for Play Strategy
11h00 – 13h00 Working groups
14h00 – 15h00 Working Groups
15h00: Recap from the session
** Free afternoon
Day 5 | Recap and participants presentations
09h30: Conclusions from the Week by partners.
10h30 – 11h30: Case Studies – Presentations from participants
12h00: Key Note Speaking: Urban Green Custody. tbc
13h00: Group Picture + Lunch
Pati LLimona (https://patillimona.net/), Ciutat Vella (Old Town)
2nd day conference room: https://patillimona.net/blog/sala-maria-aurelia-capmany/
Parallel Sessions and Training day room: https://patillimona.net/blog/sala-de-conferencies/

This event and this program are the sole responsibility of its authors and the Commission is not responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been founded by the EU Commission under the Erasmus+ program
This website is the sole responsibility of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.