Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
The Progress Project is a part of the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ Program, specifically by the establishment of strategic partnerships. Strategic partnerships should support the design, implementation, development and transfer of innovative practices based on cooperation between stakeholders in education and training, youth, civil society, or from socio-economic sectors at European level. For more impact, mobility activities and cooperation activities can complement within the project.
This partnership project aims to encourage innovation and exchange of good practices in urban green spaces implementation, management and maintenance. The main objective is to improve transnational cooperation between the participating organizations, to share and compare practices, experiences and methods in different european cities facing different problematics.
In the Progress Project, the Partners bring some complementary competences in green engineering, environmental education field, public citizen education and public institutes such as high school or research center with environmental specificities. The Partners are in charge of organizing methodological and educational seminars in their respective city. They are responsible for the involvment of local partners and the participation of their network, as well as their own intellectual outputs and the dissemination of the results.

Orchis Ingénierie – Montpellier, France
Orchis Ingénierie is a consulting firm specializing in consulting engineering in the fields of water, environment and renewable energies. The company is a cooperative (SCIC) created in 2014. Orchis Ingénierie combines engineering with the social by implementing concrete solutions (rainwater harvesting, phyto-purification, urban valleys, plant roofs …), associated to a sociological approach that integrates conflicts of interest and the needs of the populations, while developing methods of participatory management.
Role in the project
Orchis Ingénierie is the coordinator of the Progress Project and controls the partnership actions. Orchis is responsible for coordination and monitoring of the whole project. Orchis Ingénierie will organize the launching program during 5 days in March 2017 in Montpellier, France. Orchis will also organize the closing program for 5 days at hte end of the project in November 2018.

Eco-Union – Barcelona, Spain
Eco-Union is an independent, not-for-profit association created in 2005 that works to create and connect change agents across different sectors of society to catalyze the transition to sustainability. The task of Eco-Union focuses on promoting a new culture of the environment among individuals and organizations through capacity building and advocacy. Eco-Union aims to be a reference institution in the transformation of society towards environmental sustainability. Its ultimate goal is to ensure the well-being of present and future generations through a sustainable development.
Role in the project
The role of Eco-Union in the PROGRESS Project is to prepare, plan and organize the activities to be undertaken in Spain. Its focus will be mainly on stakeholders’ participation applied to the management of green urban spaces, through innovative and participative schemes. It will build on its extensive network at local, regional, institutional, private and public level to make sure all key actors are fully engaged and commited. Eco-Union will coordinate a training program on citizen participation and social innovation during 5 days in May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.

GoodPlanet – Brussels, Belgium
GoodPlanet is a Belgian non-profit organization. Its goal is to help young people and adults learn how to live in a sustainable way. Since 1997, GoodPlanet develops and accompanies groups and individuals. To this end, its designs projects, training and learning tools on several subjects such as energy, water, transport, sustainable consumption, nature, etc. GoodPlanet encourages and supports groups and individuals in their participation in policy-making and is also active in the field of development cooperation.
Role in the project
The role of GoodPlanet in the PROGRESS Project is to focus on the educational and sociological aspect of the develepment, the management and the use of green spaces, both public and semi public (schools, child care centers). GoodPlanet will organize a training program during 5 days in October 2017 in Belgium.

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management – University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The Forests and Landscape section is part of the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. It offers educational programs aimed at companies and managers of forests and green spaces: courses, advice and support for development in the field of forests and natural areas. The University works in the development and advice for the management of natural resources, including forest management, landscape management, adaptation to climate change, planning, outdoor recreation, environmental counseling, Conflict management, and wildlife management.
Role in the project
The role of Copenhagen University in the PROGRESS Project is to coordinate the activities in Denmark. Its primary goal is focused on collecting data, information and education of environmental issues with a special focus on maintenance of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and the use of plants in a urban context. It have a close contact to professionals – landscapers, urban landscape engineers, architects and biologists and a special focus on practical and vocational pedagogy in the educational activities. As a main activity the University will develop a international certified course in sustainable management of green urban spaces to strengthen international knowledge sharing. Copenhagen University will organize a training program during 5 days in August 2018 in Denmark.

This project has been founded by the EU Commission under the Erasmus+ program
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