Training 1 | Montpellier, 27 - 31 March 2017
- Flood management in Grabels (J.-P. Olivares, City of Grabels)
- LAAT - Nature in urbanism
- LAAT - Presentation
- Managing green and natural spaces in cities 1/2 (P. Lafforgue, Hortis)
- Managing green and natural spaces in cities 2/2 (P. Lafforgue, Hortis)
- Montpellier-Chiros: participatory inventory and nocturnal biodiversity (C. Lemarchand, Ecologistes de l’ Euzière)
- Montpellier-Chiros: Plan_nichoir_Bats
- Professional Integration (Fédération des Entreprises d'Insertion Occitanie)
- SRCE 3D Tool_Languedoc-Roussillon (S. Woodworth, Région Occitanie)
- SRCE Presentation (S. Woodworth, Région Occitanie)
- The Social Function of Urban Gardening 1/3 (M.F. Ringeard, City of Nantes)
- The Social Function of Urban Gardening 2/3 (M.F. Ringeard, City of Nantes)
- The Social Function of Urban Gardening 3/3 (M.F. Ringeard, City of Nantes)
- Training 1 : Participating Organizations
- UNEP Infographics - The benefits of urban green spaces (N. Bouzou)
- UNEP Infographics - Top French Green Cities in 2017
- UNEP Presentation : Role and benefits of urban green spaces
- Workshop : Water management and urban planning in the Mediterranean (W. Fettig, Orchis Ingénierie)
Training 2 | Barcelona, 8 - 12 May 2017
- PlacemakingMethodology_PlaEstel
- 3-4Day_Workshop_GreenPlacemaking_PlaEstel
- 3Day_Superblock Model_BcnEcologyAgency
- 2Day_HealthImplicationsGreenInequalities_HelenCole
- 2Day_GreenURbanSpaceInequalities_IsabelleAnguelovski
- StudyVisit_RecreantCruillesGermanetes_BottomUpGreenSpaceMaking_Bcn
- 1Day_TheCommons-ParticipativeApproachesinGreenUrbanSpaces_MaraFerreri
- Barcelona Training Handbook
- Day1_Participative-Governance-&-Social-Innovation_Marc-Pares
- Event2-Barcelona-Program
Training 3 | Belgium, 23 - 27 April 2018
- GoodPlanet Training Program
- Introduction to school playgrounds in Ghent and province (T. Gorre)
- A vision on green school playgrounds (J. Cant)
- Child participation and schoolgrounds (S. Miedema)
- Living schoolscapes. The making of (S. Lobst)
- Greening project - Recetas Urbanas (S. Cirugeda)
- Connected play areas in Antwerp and policy (W. Seghers)
- Barcelona Play Areas (C. Perez del Pulgar)
- Risks and safety in adventurous playgrounds (K. Van Ingelghem)
- MICOS - Madrid Playgrounds (P. Garcia Serrano)

This project has been founded by the EU Commission under the Erasmus+ program
This website is the sole responsibility of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.